HomeHealth & FitnessWhat is Constipation and How To Deal With It

What is Constipation and How To Deal With It


There’s nothing quite as frustrating as feeling backed up and constipated. Trust me, I know from experience. It’s like your body is betraying you and refusing to let go of its precious cargo.

But don’t despair! There are ways to ease constipation and get things moving again. In this blog, I’ll be sharing my top tips for dealing with this pesky problem.

So whether you’re looking for relief or just want to avoid constipation in the first place, read on!



Constipation in Adults: Home Remedies, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Causes of constipation

There are many reasons why someone may experience constipation. A common cause is a change in diet or eating habits. Other causes may include:

-Not enough fiber in the diet
-Lack of physical activity
-Changes in routine, such as travel
-Certain medications, such as painkillers, antacids, and some antidepressants
-Constipation can also be a symptom of other underlying medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.

Are we more constipated than we think? - BBC News

Symptoms of constipation

Most people think of constipation as infrequent bowel movements or difficulty passing stools. While these are both symptoms of constipation, there is actually a wide range of symptoms associated with this condition. The most common symptom is infrequent bowel movements, but you may also experience any of the following:

-Hard, dry, or lumpy stools
-Straining to have a bowel movement
-Feeling like you can’t fully empty your bowels
-Pain or discomfort during bowel movements
-Bowel movements that are much smaller than usual


Home Remedies for Constipation| Natural Remedies| Home Treatment| Natural Treatment - YouTube

Home remedies for constipation

There are many different home remedies that can help to relieve the symptoms of constipation. Some simple lifestyle changes, such as drinking more water, eating fiber-rich foods, and exercising regularly, can make a big difference.

In addition, there are a number of natural laxatives that can help to get things moving again. Here are 10 home remedies for constipation that may offer relief.

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1. Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to prevent and treat constipation. Aim to drink eight glasses of water per day.

2. Adding more fiber to your diet is another effective way to relieve constipation. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Try to eat at least 25 grams of fiber per day.

3. Regular exercise can also help to relieve constipation by promoting regular bowel movements. aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day.

4.Prunes are often recommended as a natural remedy for constipation because they contain high levels of dietary fiber and sorbitol, a natural laxative compound.. Eaten in small amounts, prunes can be a safe and effective home remedy for constipation relief in most adults.. Try eating 6-12 soaked prunes per day or drinking 8 ounces of prune juice two times per day.. You should start to see results within a few days.. If you experience any abdominal pain or diarrhea after eating prunes, stop using them and speak with your doctor.. Other fruits that contain sorbitol and may be helpful for relieving constipation include apricots, figs , and apples.. Additionally , almost all fruits contain some amount of dietary fiber , which can also help withconstipation relief.. Just be sure to eat them in moderation as too much fructosecan actually contribute to stool hardness and dehydration .. 5 Wheat Bran Wheat bran is another high-fiber food that can be helpful for relievingconstipation… This insoluble fiber helps add bulk to stools , whichstimulates bowel movements.. Try adding 1-3 tablespoons of wheatbran to cereal or yogurt or using it as a baking ingredient .. If you have trouble digesting wheat bran , look for psyllium huskas an alternative source of soluble fiber .. 6 Senna Tea Senna tea is made from the leavesof the senna plant (Cassia senna)and has been used as alaxativefor centuries .. This herbal tea contains sennosides ,compounds that stimulate bowel contractions and promote intestinal motility . Senna tea is available for purchase online . 7 magnesium citrate Magnesium citrateis avaluable mineralsupplement that can be taken orallyor rectallyto relieveconstipation . This supplement works by drawing water into theintestines , which soften stoolsand promote bowel movements . It’s importantto speak with your doctorbefore taking magnesium citrate , as itcan cause adverse effectsin some people .. 8 Castor Oil Castor oil has long been used as alaxativeforconstipation relief .. This prophylactic oil works by stimulatingbowel contractionsand helps move stool through the intestinesmore quickly .. Castor oil should only be used occasionally as aregular laxativeand should never be taken orallybychildren or pregnant women .. 9 MilkofMagnesia Milkofmagnesiais apolyethyleneglycol electrolyterelease productthat acts ashosphate bufferwhen mixedwith an acidic substance . When taken orally , this productsdraws waterinto the intestines , helpingto softenstools . It’savailable over -the- counterinliquid or Tabletform10 Suppositories Suppositoriesare insertionsthatdeliver medicationdirectly into therectum . In additionto providingconstipation relief through theirlaxative effect , they also helpto moistenthe stool , making it easierto pass .

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When to See a Doctor for Constipation | Houston Methodist On Health

When to see a doctor for constipation

While occasional constipation is normal, some people experience chronic constipation that can interfere with their daily routine. See your doctor if you’re experiencing any of the following:

-You’ve had constipation for more than three weeks
-Your stool is hard and dry
-You’re unable to have a bowel movement without straining
-You see blood in your stool
-You feel like you still need to have a bowel movement after going to the bathroom
-You experience abdominal pain, bloating or cramping

Diet in Constipation - RxDx Healthcare

Diet for constipation

Diet plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of constipation. A diet that is low in fiber can contribute to or worsen constipation. To help relieve and prevent constipation, include high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans in your diet. Also, be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

If you are constipated, you may want to try a stool softener such as psyllium husk (Metamucil) or docusate (Colace). These can help make it easier to have a bowel movement. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids when you take these products.

In some cases, other medications may be needed. If you have persistent or severe constipation, talk with your healthcare provider about other options.


Laxatives for constipation: Types, side effects, and misuse

Laxatives for constipation

There are several types of laxatives that can be used to treat constipation. The best laxative for constipation is the one that works best for you with the least amount of side effects.

Osmotic laxatives work by causing more water to be drawn into the intestine, which softens the stool and makes it easier to pass. Common osmotic laxatives include lactulose (e.g., Enulose, Kristalose), sorbitol, and polyethylene glycol (e.g., MiraLAX).

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Stimulant laxatives work by increasing muscle contractions in the intestine to help move stool along. Common stimulant laxatives include bisacodyl (e.g., Dulcolax), senna (e.g., Senokot), and castor oil (e.g., Purge).

Lubricant laxatives work by coating the stool and making it easier to pass through the intestine. Common lubricant laxatives include mineral oil and liquid paraffin.

Fiber supplements add bulk to the stool and help keep it soft, which makes it easier to pass through the intestine. Fiber supplements such as psyllium (e.g., Metamucil) or methylcellulose (e.g., Citrucel) are often combined with other types of laxatives to increase their effectiveness in treating constipation.”

Yoga for Constipation: Poses for Relief

Exercise for constipation

There are a number of different things that you can do to try and relieve constipation, but one of the best things that you can do is to exercise. Exercise helps to move things along in your digestive system and can be very effective in relieving constipation.

There are a few different exercises that you can try, but one of the best is walking. Walking is a low-impact exercise that is easy on your body, but still effective in helping to relieve constipation. If you can, try to walk for at least 20 minutes each day. If you cannot walk for that long, then just walk for as long as you can. Every little bit helps.

Other exercises that can be helpful in relieving constipation include swimming, cycling, and yoga. Just about any type of exercise is going to be helpful in relieving constipation, so just get out there and move your body!


Constipation: Relief & Prevention | Marsha Fenwick Nutrition

Prevention of constipation

There are a number of things you can do to prevent constipation, including:

-eating a high-fiber diet that includes whole grains, fruits, and vegetables
-drinking plenty of fluids, particularly water
-exercising regularly
-avoiding foods that can lead to constipation, such as those that are high in fat or low in fiber
-not ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement


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